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Market Research Services

Market research is one important task before/during/after your sales work.

When you do your business in China, you may need help for potential industry investigation, new product use test, industry data report, competitor research, customer satisfication survey...

SODA Global Marketing can help you to handle all kinds of research in China, we will create related form, questions to your target audience, feedback you report in English.

Why use SODA's market research service?

  • 3000+ authoritative industry data resource

  • 20000+ industry expert resource

  • Use effective analysis methods like Boston matrix, Porter's fiver forces analysis, SWOT...

Industry Data and Report

SODA Market Research expert team will make good use of our authoritative database to work out data report based on customer's inquiry.

Report Type: Feasibility report and Business Plan report, collect related background data from different angles to analyze.

Data Type: Collect exact data from target audience based on customer's request.


Industry Expert interview

SODA has Chinese expert database which covers industries in multiple industries, such as medical treatment, finance, consumer products, energy, transportation, real estate, chemical industry, electronics, food, healthy, fashion,government and so on, customer can require exact target company position expert or target industry expert, we will match expert within 24 hours for customer to review the profiles before meeting.

We can arrange multiple types of expert meetings:

  • Call meeting: Make good use of Zoom meeting to have conversation with your expected experts, SODA will arrange translator if it is necessary.

  • Face to face meeting: If you are located in China, we can make an appointment for you and expert to have a face to face meeting.

  • Event meeting: We can also help to arrange expert to event for customer's show or exhibition.


Competitor Research

SODA will help customer to explore competitor well before brand strategy creation.We may use internet data resource or expert interview to catch useful information for customers.



SODA will help customer to handle internal or outside survey, understand more about employees, suppliers and customers regarding brand, product, service in China.

  • Product use test

  • Internal employee survey

  • Customer satisification survey

  • Potential product survey with target customer

  • Supplier survey

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