If you are not ready to invest for Baidu PPC advertising program, you can start from Baidu organic SEO first. Baidu has some similar operation as Google, but some are very different, today we would like to share you more about Baidu backlinks strategy, then you can choose the right type of backlink to start with.
Type of Baidu backlink
Baidu's backlinks are all Chinese content, you can insert your Chinese keywords into it. There are 3 types of Baidu backlinks:
1. News backlinks
This is a kind of basic backlinks, when you have this type of news backlinks in bulk, it will be very helpful to improve your new site authority on Baidu. Normally this type backlink can not match with your category, but it is the best option for initial site launching.
2. High quality forum backlinks
Forum baclinks can match with your category, for example your business is business consulting service, we can help you to build related business service Chinese content into multiple forums, all forum backlinks will be indexed by Baidu. This type of backlink can be very helpful for your webiste to build ranking under your niche.
3. High Baidu BR Friendly links
This type of backlink has high authority in Baidu, we also call it high BR backlinks. It is suitable for domain which has some authority in Baidu already. If your website is still a very new domain on Baidu or not indexed yet, better for you to choose News backlink or forum backlink.
Friendly link way is to insert your main domain under your brand name, your brand name is shown in the "Friendly link area". Baidu spider will crawl your website and know you have friendly link from high authority site, it will increase your own authority.
Of course if you don't want to put your brand name, you can put your keyword by inserted your website to show in the "Friendly link area" from other high authority website. Friendly link package is normally charged by month.
Baidu Authority from SEO work
You may think are there any high DA backlink on Baidu? No, you think wrong !
Chinese backlink authority is one total different measurement system inside Baidu, not based on Google. We say DA as authority definition on Google, but on Baidu it is BR, it is only for Friendly link authority definition, there is no BR definition on News or Forum types of backlinks.
The full BR score of autority is 10 in Baidu, normally authority 1-3 has been tier 2 domain, authority 4-6 is tier 1 domain.Like www.sina.com.cn, one of top tier media site in China, its Baidu BR autority is 6.
Where I can get Baidu backlinks?
Maybe you have this question.
No worries!
SODA provides full Baidu SEO services for our customers, you can choose Chinese keywords research analysis, Chinese backlinks building, Chinese SEO blogs and Baidu advertising. Kindly contact us to get samples about backlinks if you prefer to start from here.