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How to catch video marketing opportunity in China? Chinese Tiktok - Douyin is your best choice!

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

In China, Douyin is a massive deal! According to Douyin China Tiktok, a fifteen-second video platform that allows viewers to watch videos with numerous effects, music backgrounds, filters, and other tools to be as creative as they want. It is becoming more and more commonplace in China for social media networks to provide their users with an online retail option.

Douyin China Tiktok is a video social platform tool with great potential in providing branded content and interacting with Chinese consumers. If you are interested in Chinese market and Tiktok marketing, SODA Global Marketing believes these are some douyin China Tiktok marketing methods that can help you start supporting your marketing or advertising plan in China and increase your chances of success. If you want to know more, please visit us at, and contact us at

Douyin, a company owned by ByteDance, intends to expand investment in its in-app search feature, which presently has 550 million monthly active users.In the past year, more than tens of millions of people have relied on Douyin to generate income. In the next year, ByteDance hopes to double this number.

Covid-19 has shifted a large amount of offline demand and business modes on short videos, spawning a series of short video realizations, live streaming, remote classes, cloud and other new money-making models.

Advantages of China Tiktok - Douyin

The outstanding features of Douyin: decentralization, algorithm mechanism, and overlay recommendation

Open platform:

The biggest difference between Douyin and WeChat official account is: You can only view Wechat official account content you followed, it is one half -open platform, very limited opportunity to recommend content to unfollowed audience if they don't search keyword to look for some content.

But Douyin is different. You can see all contents, no matter whether you already followed that account or not.Douyin is one open platform, if you publish any content, unlimited audience can have chance to watch it.

In this way, a lot of opportunities for new Douyin creators, that is why SODA Global Marketing recommend everyone to do Douyin. As long as the content is sufficiently in line with the current trend, you can still get more followers and generate Realization(Money).

Recommendation system:

Douyin relies on the Toutiao news recommendation system, which is different from the system of the WeChat official account.

Each video will be given a specific quantity of traffic, usually between 1-200 or 500-1000, as part of the system's core recommendation mechanism.

To be eligible for the next traffic pool, the video's replay and engagement rates must be met, and this information is updated in real time.

Overlay recommendation:

In order to get superimposed traffic after publishing a video, the engagement data are same as the traffic pool. Generally, if the quality of your new post is good and can touch the hot trending topic, you may get a playback volume about 1k allocated by the system. If the share volume reaches 30, then the system will automatically determine that the video is very popular, so it will automatically improve the authority of this video, so that the overlay recommendation will be million; If the share volume reaches 300, it will be superimposed and recommended to 30 million, and so on based on this data.

So when you publish videos, you need to guide users to leave messages and comments.

Douyin is different from TikTok

To be noticed, there are better and better marketing features on Douyin (China Tiktok).

Douyin China Tiktok is a video social platform tool with great potential in providing branded content and interacting with Chinese consumers. If you are interested in Chinese market and Tiktok marketing, SODA Global Marketing believes these are some douyin China Tiktok marketing methods that can help you start supporting your marketing or advertising plan in China and increase your chances of success. If you want to know more, please visit us at, and contact us at

Videos distribution

Douyin cares about content creator's protection very much.If your created video was posted by someone else, then the video is most likely not recommended.

The repetitive videos here include imitating other people's videos and highly similar videos. If you want long-term and positive development on Douyin, you need to create original content.

SODA Global Marketing share some tips to make videos approved easily:

  • Add filter

  • Left and right symmetry transformation

  • Background zoom in and out

  • Adapt the shooting angle

  • Change background music

  • Change video frame

Douyin video audit mechanism is generally divided into machine review and manual review. Generally, machine audit is the main way as first step , manual audit will handle the case which machines cannot judge. The video enters the review status immediately after it is posted. The machine automatically compares whether the video title and content can match the library, or any copyright issues happen. If it can not match, then it will be blocked.

Therefore, post some positive videos. Remember the slogan of Douyin is: make your day!

Feature Recognition

There are two tags for Douyin to recognize the feature of users: audience tag and creator tag. The types of videos you viewed every day constitute your audience tag; and the content posted on your account determines your creator tag. These two are not conflicting, nor related.

What you can create for Douyin, observe details of our daily life is the key.

Douyin China Tiktok is a video social platform tool with great potential in providing branded content and interacting with Chinese consumers. If you are interested in Chinese market and Tiktok marketing, SODA Global Marketing believes these are some douyin China Tiktok marketing methods that can help you start supporting your marketing or advertising plan in China and increase your chances of success. If you want to know more, please visit us at, and contact us at

Account positioning

Find the benchmark accounts

If you want to make good content, you need a lot of reference to excellent content that has been verified by the market.

What you can create for Douyin, observe details of our daily life is the key.

When you watch it, don't bring yourself as an audience, but think from the perspective of the creator: why he started So, what are the benefits? What does his comment in the comment section look like? Which comments can spark discussion?

The difference between the creator and the audience is that the user only cares whether his emotions are satisfied, laugh and cry with the video, and the creator is the person behind the thread.

Remember! At the beginning, imitating is the best way to learn.

In addition, don’t look for accounts that have published posts long ago. Find the accounts with recent activity and get up quickly.

Combining your own interests and hobbies, you can refer to the industry and category you totally understand, combined with the resources you already have. No matter it is a product supply chain, an e-commerce merchant, a KOL, or a partner who wants to start a business, you can find what you are good.

Create personal IP

Definition: IP is a branding face. The future consumption mode is an IP locked a group of followers, followers buy their recommended products from their favorite IP.

If your IP is established, no matter what kind of goods you sell, as long as it is not a fake or inferior product, your fans will buy it. Because they are essentially paying for you, your personality reputation is very important. The personality reputation here does not mean that you need to be so talented or beautiful, but you need to have a stable activity as your label which can involve more and more audience.

Douyin China Tiktok is a video social platform tool with great potential in providing branded content and interacting with Chinese consumers. If you are interested in Chinese market and Tiktok marketing, SODA Global Marketing believes these are some douyin China Tiktok marketing methods that can help you start supporting your marketing or advertising plan in China and increase your chances of success. If you want to know more, please visit us at, and contact us at

To Sum Up

Tiktok has become a global popular short video APP, Douyin is top one short video app in China, that's why Douyin marketing is an opportunity that business owner who would like to sell to China.

The data shows that Douyin daily active users exceed 12.6 million and nearly 13 million. In the era of digital marketing, Douyin is definitely the best platform for merchants to enter the Chinese market. SODA Global Marketing is among the leading China Digital agency that have transformed the lives of many foreign entrepreneurs and investors. Whatever you would like to launch China B2B or B2C marketing, Douyin is one of best option to promote your brand in China network marketing. If you want to learn more about Douyin China Tiktok marketing or Chinese market, welcome to visit and contact us!


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